What can cause a call to be rejected by your platform?

  • 13
    In the Genesys platform Metrics log the “Inbound Call Rejected” event is indicated by the incall_reject tag. This tag means that an inbound call has been presented to the platform, but was rejected for some reason. The reason is indicated in the event.

    Here is the format of this event:

    incall_reject <DNIS>|<ANI>|<TRAN>|<II>|<UU>|<RDNIS>|<reason>

    <DNIS> Dialed Number Identification Service; The number dialed by the user.

    <ANI> Automatic Number Identification (if so provisioned); The number from which the user is calling.

    <TRAN> The transaction identifier. The format is the same as in incall_begin.

    <II> The ISDN Information Digits for the call.

    <UU> The User-to-User information passed with the call.

    <RDNIS> Redirected Dialed Number Identification Service; The number dialed by the user before being re-directed.

    <reason> Rejection reason. It can be one of:

    badfetch: the page could not be fetched

    decline: the call is declined based on the page (meta tag)

    error: some error occurred

    hangup: associated inbound call hung up

    noresource: a resource, such as TTS or ASR, is not available

    unknown: the attempt failed for an unknown reason